#BuyLess Comfortable Wardrobe Textile Design

When Your Career Doesn’t Fit …

With the anniversary of my blog approaching, I find myself reflecting on the year gone by and what I had to sever to get here.

At 25, I left the US for Denmark with $1,000.00 in my pocket and two suitcases with no plans for a place to live and no job prospects.Already then, I had learned that if I wanted to make something happen and move forward with my life, I needed to make a clean break. 

When ready to make a change, I have a tendency to sever all ties so I am not tempted (or even able) to go backwards. It is a scary tactic, and causes an enormous amount of stress when I am in the midst of it and don’t know where it will take me, but the end result has always been a happier version of myself.

Six years ago, I wanted a way out of my career, out of my industry and out of my business partnership.

Faced with this daunting reality, I met with a coach, who helped me by giving me three clear choices:

1. Leave and sell.
2. Stay and deal.
3. Stay and work to make it better.

In that moment, I knew there was only one choice I would be able to live with – leave and sell – and I was lucky enough to have an exit strategy that included an international move to Brazil with my family.

Then, after a most amazing three-year South American adventure, I found myself back in Copenhagen, wondering how I was going to find happiness in a career again.

So I did what I always do when faced with a dilemma – I met with a coach.

At my second session, we started brainstorming, and the process almost immediately led me back to an unrealized ambition I had at 18.

And exactly a year ago today, I submitted my application to the bachelor’s degree program in textile design at University College Copenhagen.

“What in the world is a Bachelor’s Degree in Textile Design?” you ask.

Well, that is exactly what I’m going to share with you. I hope that reading about my experiences and lessons learned as I embrace new challenges will be helpful to you as you move forward in your life and career.

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